William W Gaver, Thomas Moran, Allan Maclean, Lennart Lövstrand, Paul Douris, Kathleen A Carter, William Buxton
Publication date
Computer-supported Cooperative Work
This chapter discusses examples of systems which have in relatively widespread use at EuroPARC in order to give a taste of the environment have developing and to sketch out the philosophy behind this research. The resulting environment, called Ravenscroft Audio Video Environment (RAVE), is such that nearly all rooms have some form of an audio–video ‘node’ installed, consisting of a camera, monitor, microphone and speakers. It is helpful to consider first design theme, that of supporting the range of collaboration from casual awareness to focused engagement. In sum, the several generic RAVE buttons emerged through a process of integrated use and design supported by an interface system that affords flexible tailoring. A certain amount of control over connections is offers by the basic software used to control the audio-video switch. Portholes is inspires by a similar, earlier, prototype developed at PARC and …
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Scholar articles
WW Gaver, T Moran, A Maclean, L Lövstrand, P Douris… - Computer-supported Cooperative Work, 2018