Jonathan Helfman, Laurent Denoue, Elizabeth F Churchill, Lester D Nelson
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The" Clip Bar" is a few FXPAL invention that lets you create new Web pages by" clippig" out sections of other Web pages. To make ey Ciig, select the" Ci" kitto aci sweep a box over he curret Web page, Yoti can also e? ter a cornment (like this one. Yof Cip aid yu, corne'i get added to you Current" CCEaction" page along with inks back to the solice page. As you browse, 2, yiew Cigs get added to yoli Collection autoraticaity. To start a few Collection, select the" New Collection" hution. hit. iiawei peoplefielia foiCipBarijg Thursday, August 4, 2003 2: 44: 2 PM POT in Eike Net Snippets, a siriar techiology for cigaping and storing pieces of Wei pages, the Clip Bar builds a new Web page for yoki as you clip, making it really simple for readers to also become aii OfS. Collecting yoki is ific Web pages also has ifications for the systein achitecture, because the saw Wiek. ferriters: Rs. 33al Carx: tato pages are hosted by a sever …
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